Oakland Raiders: A Few Keys To Beating The New York Jets

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Oakland Raiders
OAKLAND, CA – NOVEMBER 01: Michael Crabtree

Don’t Get Complacent

The Jets, as currently constructed, aren’t a very good football team. Whether it’s by design – some believe they’re tanking and playing for the top pick in 2018 – or not, this is a team that likely isn’t going to win a lot of games.

That doesn’t mean though, that this is a team the Raiders can afford to take lightly. This is still a team of professional athletes who have a fair amount of pride in their craft. And because of that, this is a team that can sneak up and bite some people if they’re not careful.

With a schedule as daunting as Oakland’s is this season, it’s tempting to see a game against a team with plenty of struggles and issues – like the Jets – and think you can take your foot off the gas. If only a little bit.

But doing that, taking your foot off the gas, is only going to create a whole world of problems. If the Raiders let the Jets hang around too long, it’s something they might come to regret.

Jack Del Rio needs to have his troops as fired up for this game as if they were playing the Patriots. This is a game they simply cannot afford to play down to the level of competition. Doing that invites a disaster this team neither wants, nor needs.

They say the most dangerous animal is a wounded, cornered animal with nothing to lose – let’s hope the Raiders don’t prove that old saying correct.