Credit: Cary Edmondson-USA TODAY Sports
There is still a lot left to speculation for the Golden State Warriors as they approach Thursday’s trade deadline, but majority owner Joe Lacob may have added the most honest synopsis.
This past week, in response to the burning question—“Will the Warriors add at the deadline?” Lacob said, “We will consider all things…(but) we’re not going to make a move to make a move.”
This is the precise mindset the Warriors need to hold firm in order to come out on top after the trade deadline. While their bench (currently one of the worst-performing in the league) continues to struggle, both Golden State fans and Lacob agree that the Warriors’ core players are too precious a commodity for any foreseeable negotiations.
“We’d certainly be reluctant to trade any of our core players” Lacob said, “I like our core.” However, over the past few weeks, both the bench and the starting 5 have had some of their more measly performances of the season, falling to presumably lesser teams, the Charlotte Bobcats and Washington Wizards.
With hopes of reaching the top 4 in the Conference, it is needless to say the Warriors should consider taking advantage of available opportunities to add some off-the-bench scoring authority to help keep the team alive when scorers like Steph Curry and Andre Iguodala catch crucial rest minutes.
Currently, the Warriors have some palpable options to consider before turning down the idea of additions altogether. After trading former performers Andris Biedrins and Brandon Rush, the Warriors hold onto both $9 million and $4 million dollar trade exceptions. In such an instance, the Warriors may not only, not have to forfeit one of their coveted starters—they may not have to forfeit a player at all.
Another option subject to debate is the decision to potentially propose rising star Harrison Barnes as trade-bait for a more explosive play-maker. Though Barnes has struggled this season, performing considerably less consistent than coaches had hoped, Barnes still shows a lot of promise.
The Warriors would be hard-pressed to give up their fledgling investment simply in exchange for a temporary, and likely aged, off-the-bench contributor. Golden State would be ill-advised to give up such a promising building-block unless in exchange for a renown major impact player. As it stands, Lacob confirmed that the Warriors have not been offered, “nearly enough” to even provoke the discussion.
If the Warriors want to climb back from their current No. 8 position, to return to the top-4, making a move at the deadline is not a necessity. Ultimately, the issue presently subduing the Dubs to weaker teams is their lack of consistency, not their lack of options.
The Warriors need to even out their scoring percentages in the second half, and not force shots that aren’t there in hopes of making a sudden difference off the bench. Inexperience and forced inconsistency are more of a factor that consistently leads the Warriors to turnovers, missed attempts, and second -half losses.
Unless they can find a corresponding piece to answer the issue of inconsistency, that brings both explosive scoring ability, and reliability from the floor they lack—the Warriors may be best suited assuming the grass is not always greener; and keeping focused on staying out of the red.