Why the Bay Area Is the Sports Capital of the World

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The Bay Area is the Sports Capital of the World

Call me a homer, call me biased, call me whatever expletive-filled phrase you can conjure up, but I don’t care.

Can you argue that other cities and regions around the world deserve the honor? Absolutely.

Can you call me ignorant for believing that my hometown is the sports capital of the world? Most definitely.

I will stand by my word when I say that the Bay Area is the sports capital of the world.

Nowhere else will you find this many teams — professional and collegiate (hell, I’ll even throw in high school sports with Aaron Gordon being one of the top basketball prospects in the nation and destined for a great career in the NBA) — that are as successful, popular, and newsworthy than the Bay Area right now.

Nowhere else will you find a region with the local support so rabid (see: Warriors playoff games, long streak of consecutive sellouts for the Giants, 49ers, and Sharks, unrivaled loyalty of Raiders fans, perseverance and dedication of Kings fans) than the Bay Area.

I’m sure there people that will disagree with me, and point out other cities and regions around the world. I’m not going to spend another 3000 words analyzing why other places aren’t the sports capitals of the world.

So unless anyone has any objections, I’ll make this statement bold, underlined and clear:

The Bay Area is the sports capital of the world.