Sacramento Kings’ Future Is A Coin Flip

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Geoff Petrie

Smart has shown he is a capable coach, but has been unable to earn the trust of his players in his to season with the team. The Kings players showed their frustration with line-up situations, and limited playing time. The Kings head coach spent most of the first 50 games trying to establish his rotation, but never seemed to find a consistent group to finish games.

Geoff Petrie was scrutinized by the local press for the majority of the season, but as the Kings recently traded Thomas Robinson, Francisco Garcia and Tyler Honeycutt to the Houston Rockets for Patrick Patterson, Cole Aldrich and Toney Douglas; it has become clear that the general manager is not the one controlling things. The Kings will make approximately 3.6 million from the trade before the end of this summer, and thus they have followed a scary trend of cutting players with salaries that do not meet the Maloof Standards. The Maloofs have been said to have played a major role in the most recent trade, after Petrie had stated only a day before the trade that he could not foresee any trades before the relocation matter has been sorted out.

Even despite the Maloofs keeping Petrie’s hands tied financially, Petrie found success with his trade with all three players showing their potential to help a competitive team.